This not the best part that Neca do but in this case the paint makes a great sculpt even better. A sculpted Loincloth is present along with is tripwire belt, many belts are located on this guy some with goodies attached like a folded up shrunken. Worn out bandages are all over the body along with his fishnet outfit. The skin has a reptile like texture with creases and wrinkles many of which are hidden under something but they are their none the less. The body is covered in armour panels all of which are detailed similarly to the helmet of “wolf”. The Braided hair is made from a softish plastic that can be moved about but doesn’t feel like it would last long from continuous use

The Mandibles are present bar the one he has lost in battle and the mouth is sculpted shut and ready to kill. All of the wrinkles are moulded in and the angry expression sculpted captures the emotion between him and that predalien…. A wrinkled and creased face, burnt and angry all brought to life brilliantly. Again this is a simple, beautiful and powerful design that just re-enforces Neca’s skill. Wolfs helmet features spikes running the top of the crest and all of them look fairly good if a bit britle but they still look painful! The other unique design is the predator symbols engraved into the top of the helmet showing he is one old and respected hunter. It is covered in battle damage like slashes, scratches, cracks and pits all of which are not the most necessary details but add another layer of depth and realism to the design. We will start with his “masked” variant, the helmet follows the basic predator shaping and the figure does a good job to represent this although the crest may b a bit too high for my liking.

For a £12 figure the sculpting you get is amazing. there are two variants of this character, masked and unmasked each with unique accessories.

Tonight I’m taking a look at the Wolf predator from AVP:R. You will be able to stay on top of the issues affecting your business, respond quickly to NECA Action Alerts, review NECA’s Legislative Scorecard to see how your Members of Congress vote, and have access to all materials needed to have a successful meeting with your representatives in Congress.Neca’s reel toys line as ran through many films and has continued to be a hit and a great success in both its detailing and paint jobs at a reasonable price. NECA Advocacy will give you direct access to your Senators and Representatives in Congress so you can educate and inform them about legislative and regulatory issues important to the electrical construction industry. NECA Advocacy is a cutting-edge advocacy tool that provides NECA contractors with the necessary tools and information needed to help them “Take Action” and be engaged in NECA's advocacy efforts.