It also has a stream dashboard where students and teachers can interact by posting comments and updates. True to Google’s simple design aesthetics, Google classroom also has a simple design structure with functional features like class creation, assignment provision, test delivery, and grading. If you have used any Google apps before, then you’ll get acquainted with Google Classroom within a few minutes. Google Classroom is one of the leading online learning management systems for remote learning.

It can take 10-30 minutes to create your app. How long does it take to build a Google Class app for Android? You can create an unlimited number of apps on AppsGeyser for free. Can I create multiple Google Classroom apps? Yes, you can go and edit your Google teaching app from the dashboard after you have created it. Open the free “ Create App Template ” and enjoy getting your own forum app! Can I edit my Google Class app after I have created it? Yes, it’s free to create your own teaching app on AppsGeyser. Can I create an online Google Classroom app for Android for free? To create your Google Class app, you will need to follow the template instructions, it will take less than 10 minutes. Follow the instructions in the template and convert your food website into an app! How do you create a Google Class app without any coding knowledge?

To create your Google Class app for Android, you can go to our App Creator Template on the AppsGeyser homepage.